Thursday, November 10, 2011


Narrator's post:

The cost to the Allies was very high, in manpower, economically and socially. Not only had they suffered a lot in manpower, with the Soviet Union alone posting a casualty rate of at least 10 million soldiers dead, but economically and socially, much damage had been done. The UK was now bankrupted as she had to repay the US for the aid provided in the Lend-Lease agreements, while every country affected by the fighting had to now, rebuild their shattered societies at potential huge costs. However, with Japan’s surrender in August 1945, the Allies removed the menaces to their borders and sovereignty, and so preserving the values they represented, be it Capitalism or Communism, through sheer determination and willpower to defeat the Axis powers of Germany and Japan. And just as this ultimate victory owned much to the victories achieved on the battlefields, the real turning point for the Allies was due to the Allies gaining the crucial edge in these areas of politics, industry, technology, morals. The sum total of such edges gained: being able to bring these advantages onto the battlefield to totally defeat the Axis threat.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011